Jackson State University Biological Society Constitution

Jackson State University Biological Society Constitution

**Word Document Download Available Below**

Article I.  Organization Name  

  1. Official Name: The name of this organization shall be Jackson State University Biological Society.
  2. Abbreviated Name: In cases where the complete organization name is not required or appropriate, the organization may be referred to as: The Biological Society or the JSU Biological Society
  3. Initials: In documents, announcements and other intra-organizational situations, the organization may be known as JSUBS.

Article II.  Purposes 

  1. To increase JSU student awareness of, and participation in, biological fields beyond the health and health-related professions.
  2. To promote and facilitate professional preparation, provide guidance for students seeking research experiences, internships, field-courses, or graduate school opportunities.
  3. To increase environmental consciousness within the University, Jackson, Mississippi, and beyond through special presentations, activities, and celebrations.
  4. To seek, develop, and provide biology or environmentally focused community service opportunities for individuals or groups.
  5. To be financially independent and maintain a stable financial base.

Article III.  Membership and Dues  


  1. Eligibility:

All students enrolled at the Jackson State University with the required g.p.a. set by the University for participation in a student organization are eligible for membership.


  1. Membership

To be considered a member of the Biological Society, an eligible student must fulfill all of the following requirements for both the Fall and Spring semesters of each academic year:

  1. Pay their membership dues, which will not exceed $20 per semester. Membership dues must be paid by the second general meeting of each semester. Membership will not be denied on the basis of inability to pay. An eligible student may request in writing a waiver of dues with the reasons for the request. The officers of the society will read and respond to each request.
  2. Attend all meetings. One absence per semester will automatically be considered excused. Any further absences from meetings will result in loss of membership for that semester. Exceptions for absences may be granted for legitimate school, work, or unexpected personal health conflicts if forward notice was given to the Secretary and approved by the President. Previously paid dues will not be refunded.
  3. Submit proof of community service not less than twelve (12) volunteer hours per semester and not less than four (4) of the twelve required be society sponsored activity hours per semester. The Volunteer Coordinator will maintain tallies of all community service hours and inform both the Faculty Advisor and President of any students who do not meet the monthly obligations. Community service may be waived in part or completely by the President or Faculty Advisor for special service to the Biological Society.
  4. Completing these above requirements, the member will be considered an active member.
  5. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, or disability.
  1. This organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person.

Article IV. Officers 

  1. Designated Officers

Executive Council

The officers of the governing board of the Biological Society shall include: President, Vice-President, Business Coordinator, Records Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Outreach & Service Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Public Relations Coordinator, Webmaster, SGA & CAB Representative

  1. Eligibility, Terms of Service and Duties

All officers must continue to meet all membership requirements, including attendance, community service, and dues. Officers will be required to attend all council meetings and general meetings with only three allowed absences per semester. Exceptions for absences may be granted for legitimate school, work, or unexpected personal health conflicts if forward notice was given and approved by the President.

*Higher dues may be levied against the officers if the President, Advisor, or Majority of the Executive Council deems it necessary.

*Executive Council listed in order of succession.

The President shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year.
  3. Have been a member for at least one year.
  4. Preside at all meetings of the society.
  5. Coordinate the activities and efforts of the other officers in pursuit of the purposes of the society. Executive Coordinator of Society Operations.
  6. Appoint any necessary committees or special coordinators and fill any vacancies on the executive council in the case no person runs for election to the position or the position is vacated during the term.
  7. Represent society at all necessary University meetings and functions.
  8. Maintain and keep a copy of the most recent ratification of the constitution.
  9. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the President.
  10. Work with advisor and incoming president to ensure society is renewed as RSO for the next academic year.
  11. Not serve more than two full-terms
  12. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher

The Vice-President shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year
  3. Have been a member for at least the previous year.
  4. Not serve more than two full-terms.
  5. Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence, disability or ineligibility to complete their term.
  6. Serve as external relations coordinator.
  7. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the Vice-President.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Business Coordinator shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year and/or have previous financial management experience.
  3. Present a budget no later than the second council meeting of each academic year, to be approved by the council and Faculty Advisor.
  4. Control the operating expenses of the Society and advise the President in any case where expenses are exceeding the approved budget.
  5. Provide and organize all fund request and other documents related to business and finance of the society.
  6. Complete and present an accurate ledger of all expenditures
  7. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the Business Coordinator. The faculty advisor must countersign all checks.
  8. Advise Executive council on the financial standings of the society.
  9. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Records Coordinator shall:

  1. Keep a detailed record of all council meetings in order to provide the society with a record of council members present, issues discussed, etc.
  2. Keep a general record of the yearly activities and speakers at general society meetings.
  3. Keep a general record of all members of the organization including attendance at meetings, membership profiles and contact information.
  4. Keep and compile all important Society documents including the original version and all ratifications of the constitution.
  5. Inform the general members of the organization of all approved and adopted amendments to the constitution, which directly affect them.
  6. Provide printed or electronic sign in sheets for every general body meeting
  7. Provide detailed minutes/notes from every council meeting no later than 5 days after date of meeting. A shared electronic document may be used.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Activities Coordinator shall:

  1. Be responsible for coordinating and planning all activities. Including reserving space, hiring vendors, and submitting them to the University events system with purview of Advisor and President.
  2. In this role the activities Coordinator may have oversight of events that fall under fundraising, service, and/or outreach.
  3. Compile accurate calendar of all society events and activities.
  4. Arrange for and/or coordinate guest speakers for General body meetings.
  5. Work with leadership boards to coordinate speakers and guests for society seminar series.
  1. Provide special refreshments for speakers at society meetings
  2. Be responsible for coordinating and publicizing at least two (2)biology-centric, on-campus outreach activities per semester (e.g., Earth Day, Arbor Day, National Estuaries Day, World Ocean Day)
  3. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Outreach & Service Coordinator shall:

  1. Maintain information concerning volunteer opportunities for all members.
  2. Maintain records on the community service completed by all members of the society.
  3. Provide no less than twelve (12) possible hours of societal volunteer activities each semester.
  4. Turn in all service projects to activities Coordinator/webmaster at least 10 days in advance of project date.
  5. Work with JSU Alice Varnado Harden Center for Service and Community Engaged Learning to ensure that members receive community service learning credit for volunteer and service efforts.
  6. Be responsible for coordinating at least one (1) biology-centric, off-campus outreach activity per semester (e.g., speaking at local K-12 schools)
  7. Work with fundraising Coordinator to plan at least one charitable donation or drive per academic year.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Fundraising Coordinator shall:

  1. Oversee all fund-raising activities for the society. All fund-raising activities shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and policies of the Office of Student Affairs.
  1. Make agendas for all society fundraisers to assure that they run smoothly
  1. Take in to account possible fundraising activities brought to them by general body, and recommend them to Executive Council if they deem them plausible or beneficial.
  2. Set a biannual fundraising goal for each semester
  3. Hold at least 1 fundraiser per month
  4. Complete at least one fundraiser that will go towards a charitable donation per academic year.
  5. Coordinate all fundraising activities presented by student affairs (eg. C.A.B. Funds Request)
  6. Submit all fundraisers at least 7 days prior to date of to the activities Coordinator/webmaster
  7. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Public Relations Coordinator shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining the society’s email account, and social media accounts (including but not limited to messaging apps such as Remind 101 or Group Me).
  2. Be responsible for sharing necessary information of all council decisions with members.
  3. Post every single society function on social media platforms
  4. Maintain the society’s bulletin board by posting new council member pictures, volunteer opportunities, meeting schedules and other announcements.
  5. Create and post fliers for all events no less than 5 days in advance and remove all fliers within 36 hours following event.
  6. Submit all fliers for approval to center for student engagement and leadership
  7. Record/photograph all events and submit them to webmaster.
  8. Be responsible for publicizing and promoting the society at Preview Days, social functions, and speaking to Freshman classes.
  9. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Web Master shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining and updating the society’s website, including regularly receiving events and updating the calendar.
  2. Be responsible for writing articles and designing graphics to be posted on the website.
  3. Keep and regularly update the REU and Internship page on the website.
  4. Archive all information given to them from the society’s coordinators to the website.
  5. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The SGA Representative shall

  1. Serve as society’s Student Government Representative.
  2. Attend all SGA General Body meetings
  3. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The CAB Representative shall

  1. Serve as society’s Campus Activities Board Representative
  2. Attend all C.A.B general assembly meetings.
  3. Along with fundraising Coordinator secure society’s activities funds from Campus Activity Board.
  4. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  1. Elections
  1. The officers shall be elected at the second to last regular meeting of the spring semester.
  2. Any member wishing to run for an office shall attend the council meeting immediately prior to the scheduled election meeting to submit any material to be posted regarding the candidate. No new candidates will be accepted after this board meeting.
  3. Each candidate may run for one office only, if a particular race is lost they may not run for a “second choice” office. The office of President and Vice-President are exempt from this rule.
  4. Balloting will be done as a secret ballot or on an electronic forum controlled by the faculty advisor.
  1. All candidates must be given the opportunity to give a speech of no greater than two minutes to the council prior to voting.
  2. Candidates which receive a majority vote of the members will assume their role immediately after the end of the Spring semester.
  3. Unsuccessful candidates for president may run for vice-president.
  4. Unsuccessful candidates for vice-president may run for another position in the general election provided they are standing board members.
  1. The first President (Spring 2018-Spring 2019) should be a standing member of the Society’s Constitution Committee.
  1. Removal of Officers
  2. Officers can be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the council members present at a meeting where a motion for removal of an officer is made.
  3. Grounds for automatic impeachment

-missing more than one(1) Council meeting without prior approval of president/Advisor

-failure to participate in at least one of each of the following per semester: Activity, outreach, service, and fundraising events.

  1. The president may not be removed from office without support of primary advisor.


  1. Council Meetings
  1. A board meeting of all the officers will be held one week prior to a scheduled meeting.
  2. The faculty advisor will be advised of all council meetings.
  3. An issue that is voted upon at a board meeting that results in a tie will be presented to the membership at the next general meeting for a vote.

Article V. Meetings 

  1. Time and Place

At least four (4) general meetings shall be held during each semester; the place and hour shall be determined by the officers and announced at least one week in advanced.

Article VII. Advisor 

  1. The advisor of the Society must be a faculty or staff member of the Jackson State University Biology Department. The advisor must countersign all checks unless regulations implemented by the university states the advisor may not do so. The advisor shall oversee the governing board and be advised of all board meetings.
  2. The Chair of the University’s Biology Department may serve as a secondary advisor in a de facto or ex-officio role.

Article VIII. Amendments

  1. Motions to amend the constitution may only be held at council meetings in which at least two-thirds of the board members are in attendance and available to vote.
  2. If possible, all amendments must be submitted in writing to the president before the start of the meeting.
  3. All amendments, additions and/or deletions which obtain a two-thirds approval vote of the board members shall be adopted and immediately take effect.
  4. All approved amendments that directly affect the general body of the society must be introduced and explained in the following meeting. In addition, the social media coordinator or secretary must email all current members to inform them of the change.
  5. All amendments must be in consonance with Jackson State University policies.

Article IX. Updating the Constitution

  1. This constitution is valid for JSUBS until the end of the Spring semester of 2020 unless amended and ratified prior to then.
  2. The constitution must be updated, signed, and ratified at the end of every academic school year by the standing council.

Constitution Committee

Brent Thoma- Faculty Advisor, Chair ex-officio

Rodney Williams- Chairman

Harrison Watson

Jada Grant

Brenden Ireland

Benjamin Knott

Signatures & Titles of the 2018-2019 Officers

Article I.  Organization Name  

  1. Official Name: The name of this organization shall be Jackson State University Biological Society.
  2. Abbreviated Name: In cases where the complete organization name is not required or appropriate, the organization may be referred to as: The Biological Society or the JSU Biological Society
  3. Initials: In documents, announcements and other intra-organizational situations, the organization may be known as JSUBS.

Article II.  Purposes 

  1. To increase JSU student awareness of, and participation in, biological fields beyond the health and health-related professions.
  2. To promote and facilitate professional preparation, provide guidance for students seeking research experiences, internships, field-courses, or graduate school opportunities.
  3. To increase environmental consciousness within the University, Jackson, Mississippi, and beyond through special presentations, activities, and celebrations.
  4. To seek, develop, and provide biology or environmentally focused community service opportunities for individuals or groups.
  5. To be financially independent and maintain a stable financial base.

Article III.  Membership and Dues  


  1. Eligibility:

All students enrolled at the Jackson State University with the required g.p.a. set by the University for participation in a student organization are eligible for membership.


  1. Membership

To be considered a member of the Biological Society, an eligible student must fulfill all of the following requirements for both the Fall and Spring semesters of each academic year:

  1. Pay their membership dues, which will not exceed $20 per semester. Membership dues must be paid by the second general meeting of each semester. Membership will not be denied on the basis of inability to pay. An eligible student may request in writing a waiver of dues with the reasons for the request. The officers of the society will read and respond to each request.
  2. Attend all meetings. One absence per semester will automatically be considered excused. Any further absences from meetings will result in loss of membership for that semester. Exceptions for absences may be granted for legitimate school, work, or unexpected personal health conflicts if forward notice was given to the Secretary and approved by the President. Previously paid dues will not be refunded.
  3. Submit proof of community service not less than twelve (12) volunteer hours per semester and not less than four (4) of the twelve required be society sponsored activity hours per semester. The Volunteer Coordinator will maintain tallies of all community service hours and inform both the Faculty Advisor and President of any students who do not meet the monthly obligations. Community service may be waived in part or completely by the President or Faculty Advisor for special service to the Biological Society.
  4. Completing these above requirements, the member will be considered an active member.
  5. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, or disability.
  1. This organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person.

Article IV. Officers 

  1. Designated Officers

Executive Council

The officers of the governing board of the Biological Society shall include: President, Vice-President, Business Coordinator, Records Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Outreach & Service Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Public Relations Coordinator, Webmaster, SGA & CAB Representative

  1. Eligibility, Terms of Service and Duties

All officers must continue to meet all membership requirements, including attendance, community service, and dues. Officers will be required to attend all council meetings and general meetings with only three allowed absences per semester. Exceptions for absences may be granted for legitimate school, work, or unexpected personal health conflicts if forward notice was given and approved by the President.

*Higher dues may be levied against the officers if the President, Advisor, or Majority of the Executive Council deems it necessary.

*Executive Council listed in order of succession.

The President shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year.
  3. Have been a member for at least one year.
  4. Preside at all meetings of the society.
  5. Coordinate the activities and efforts of the other officers in pursuit of the purposes of the society. Executive Coordinator of Society Operations.
  6. Appoint any necessary committees or special coordinators and fill any vacancies on the executive council in the case no person runs for election to the position or the position is vacated during the term.
  7. Represent society at all necessary University meetings and functions.
  8. Maintain and keep a copy of the most recent ratification of the constitution.
  9. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the President.
  10. Work with advisor and incoming president to ensure society is renewed as RSO for the next academic year.
  11. Not serve more than two full-terms
  12. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher

The Vice-President shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year
  3. Have been a member for at least the previous year.
  4. Not serve more than two full-terms.
  5. Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence, disability or ineligibility to complete their term.
  6. Serve as external relations coordinator.
  7. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the Vice-President.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Business Coordinator shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year and/or have previous financial management experience.
  3. Present a budget no later than the second council meeting of each academic year, to be approved by the council and Faculty Advisor.
  4. Control the operating expenses of the Society and advise the President in any case where expenses are exceeding the approved budget.
  5. Provide and organize all fund request and other documents related to business and finance of the society.
  6. Complete and present an accurate ledger of all expenditures
  7. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the Business Coordinator. The faculty advisor must countersign all checks.
  8. Advise Executive council on the financial standings of the society.
  9. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Records Coordinator shall:

  1. Keep a detailed record of all council meetings in order to provide the society with a record of council members present, issues discussed, etc.
  2. Keep a general record of the yearly activities and speakers at general society meetings.
  3. Keep a general record of all members of the organization including attendance at meetings, membership profiles and contact information.
  4. Keep and compile all important Society documents including the original version and all ratifications of the constitution.
  5. Inform the general members of the organization of all approved and adopted amendments to the constitution, which directly affect them.
  6. Provide printed or electronic sign in sheets for every general body meeting
  7. Provide detailed minutes/notes from every council meeting no later than 5 days after date of meeting. A shared electronic document may be used.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Activities Coordinator shall:

  1. Be responsible for coordinating and planning all activities. Including reserving space, hiring vendors, and submitting them to the University events system with purview of Advisor and President.
  2. In this role the activities Coordinator may have oversight of events that fall under fundraising, service, and/or outreach.
  3. Compile accurate calendar of all society events and activities.
  4. Arrange for and/or coordinate guest speakers for General body meetings.
  5. Work with leadership boards to coordinate speakers and guests for society seminar series.
  1. Provide special refreshments for speakers at society meetings
  2. Be responsible for coordinating and publicizing at least two (2)biology-centric, on-campus outreach activities per semester (e.g., Earth Day, Arbor Day, National Estuaries Day, World Ocean Day)
  3. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Outreach & Service Coordinator shall:

  1. Maintain information concerning volunteer opportunities for all members.
  2. Maintain records on the community service completed by all members of the society.
  3. Provide no less than twelve (12) possible hours of societal volunteer activities each semester.
  4. Turn in all service projects to activities Coordinator/webmaster at least 10 days in advance of project date.
  5. Work with JSU Alice Varnado Harden Center for Service and Community Engaged Learning to ensure that members receive community service learning credit for volunteer and service efforts.
  6. Be responsible for coordinating at least one (1) biology-centric, off-campus outreach activity per semester (e.g., speaking at local K-12 schools)
  7. Work with fundraising Coordinator to plan at least one charitable donation or drive per academic year.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Fundraising Coordinator shall:

  1. Oversee all fund-raising activities for the society. All fund-raising activities shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and policies of the Office of Student Affairs.
  1. Make agendas for all society fundraisers to assure that they run smoothly
  1. Take in to account possible fundraising activities brought to them by general body, and recommend them to Executive Council if they deem them plausible or beneficial.
  2. Set a biannual fundraising goal for each semester
  3. Hold at least 1 fundraiser per month
  4. Complete at least one fundraiser that will go towards a charitable donation per academic year.
  5. Coordinate all fundraising activities presented by student affairs (eg. C.A.B. Funds Request)
  6. Submit all fundraisers at least 7 days prior to date of to the activities Coordinator/webmaster
  7. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Public Relations Coordinator shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining the society’s email account, and social media accounts (including but not limited to messaging apps such as Remind 101 or Group Me).
  2. Be responsible for sharing necessary information of all council decisions with members.
  3. Post every single society function on social media platforms
  4. Maintain the society’s bulletin board by posting new council member pictures, volunteer opportunities, meeting schedules and other announcements.
  5. Create and post fliers for all events no less than 5 days in advance and remove all fliers within 36 hours following event.
  6. Submit all fliers for approval to center for student engagement and leadership
  7. Record/photograph all events and submit them to webmaster.
  8. Be responsible for publicizing and promoting the society at Preview Days, social functions, and speaking to Freshman classes.
  9. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Web Master shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining and updating the society’s website, including regularly receiving events and updating the calendar.
  2. Be responsible for writing articles and designing graphics to be posted on the website.
  3. Keep and regularly update the REU and Internship page on the website.
  4. Archive all information given to them from the society’s coordinators to the website.
  5. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The SGA Representative shall

  1. Serve as society’s Student Government Representative.
  2. Attend all SGA General Body meetings
  3. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The CAB Representative shall

  1. Serve as society’s Campus Activities Board Representative
  2. Attend all C.A.B general assembly meetings.
  3. Along with fundraising Coordinator secure society’s activities funds from Campus Activity Board.
  4. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  1. Elections
  1. The officers shall be elected at the second to last regular meeting of the spring semester.
  2. Any member wishing to run for an office shall attend the council meeting immediately prior to the scheduled election meeting to submit any material to be posted regarding the candidate. No new candidates will be accepted after this board meeting.
  3. Each candidate may run for one office only, if a particular race is lost they may not run for a “second choice” office. The office of President and Vice-President are exempt from this rule.
  4. Balloting will be done as a secret ballot or on an electronic forum controlled by the faculty advisor.
  1. All candidates must be given the opportunity to give a speech of no greater than two minutes to the council prior to voting.
  2. Candidates which receive a majority vote of the members will assume their role immediately after the end of the Spring semester.
  3. Unsuccessful candidates for president may run for vice-president.
  4. Unsuccessful candidates for vice-president may run for another position in the general election provided they are standing board members.
  1. The first President (Spring 2018-Spring 2019) should be a standing member of the Society’s Constitution Committee.
  1. Removal of Officers
  2. Officers can be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the council members present at a meeting where a motion for removal of an officer is made.
  3. Grounds for automatic impeachment

-missing more than one(1) Council meeting without prior approval of president/Advisor

-failure to participate in at least one of each of the following per semester: Activity, outreach, service, and fundraising events.

  1. The president may not be removed from office without support of primary advisor.


  1. Council Meetings
  1. A board meeting of all the officers will be held one week prior to a scheduled meeting.
  2. The faculty advisor will be advised of all council meetings.
  3. An issue that is voted upon at a board meeting that results in a tie will be presented to the membership at the next general meeting for a vote.

Article V. Meetings 

  1. Time and Place

At least four (4) general meetings shall be held during each semester; the place and hour shall be determined by the officers and announced at least one week in advanced.

Article VII. Advisor 

  1. The advisor of the Society must be a faculty or staff member of the Jackson State University Biology Department. The advisor must countersign all checks unless regulations implemented by the university states the advisor may not do so. The advisor shall oversee the governing board and be advised of all board meetings.
  2. The Chair of the University’s Biology Department may serve as a secondary advisor in a de facto or ex-officio role.

Article VIII. Amendments

  1. Motions to amend the constitution may only be held at council meetings in which at least two-thirds of the board members are in attendance and available to vote.
  2. If possible, all amendments must be submitted in writing to the president before the start of the meeting.
  3. All amendments, additions and/or deletions which obtain a two-thirds approval vote of the board members shall be adopted and immediately take effect.
  4. All approved amendments that directly affect the general body of the society must be introduced and explained in the following meeting. In addition, the social media coordinator or secretary must email all current members to inform them of the change.
  5. All amendments must be in consonance with Jackson State University policies.

Article IX. Updating the Constitution

  1. This constitution is valid for JSUBS until the end of the Spring semester of 2020 unless amended and ratified prior to then.
  2. The constitution must be updated, signed, and ratified at the end of every academic school year by the standing council.

Constitution Committee

Brent Thoma- Faculty Advisor, Chair ex-officio

Rodney Williams- Chairman

Harrison Watson

Jada Grant

Brenden Ireland

Benjamin Knott

Signatures & Titles of the 2018-2019 Officers

Article I.  Organization Name  

  1. Official Name: The name of this organization shall be Jackson State University Biological Society.
  2. Abbreviated Name: In cases where the complete organization name is not required or appropriate, the organization may be referred to as: The Biological Society or the JSU Biological Society
  3. Initials: In documents, announcements and other intra-organizational situations, the organization may be known as JSUBS.

Article II.  Purposes 

  1. To increase JSU student awareness of, and participation in, biological fields beyond the health and health-related professions.
  2. To promote and facilitate professional preparation, provide guidance for students seeking research experiences, internships, field-courses, or graduate school opportunities.
  3. To increase environmental consciousness within the University, Jackson, Mississippi, and beyond through special presentations, activities, and celebrations.
  4. To seek, develop, and provide biology or environmentally focused community service opportunities for individuals or groups.
  5. To be financially independent and maintain a stable financial base.

Article III.  Membership and Dues  


  1. Eligibility:

All students enrolled at the Jackson State University with the required g.p.a. set by the University for participation in a student organization are eligible for membership.


  1. Membership

To be considered a member of the Biological Society, an eligible student must fulfill all of the following requirements for both the Fall and Spring semesters of each academic year:

  1. Pay their membership dues, which will not exceed $20 per semester. Membership dues must be paid by the second general meeting of each semester. Membership will not be denied on the basis of inability to pay. An eligible student may request in writing a waiver of dues with the reasons for the request. The officers of the society will read and respond to each request.
  2. Attend all meetings. One absence per semester will automatically be considered excused. Any further absences from meetings will result in loss of membership for that semester. Exceptions for absences may be granted for legitimate school, work, or unexpected personal health conflicts if forward notice was given to the Secretary and approved by the President. Previously paid dues will not be refunded.
  3. Submit proof of community service not less than twelve (12) volunteer hours per semester and not less than four (4) of the twelve required be society sponsored activity hours per semester. The Volunteer Coordinator will maintain tallies of all community service hours and inform both the Faculty Advisor and President of any students who do not meet the monthly obligations. Community service may be waived in part or completely by the President or Faculty Advisor for special service to the Biological Society.
  4. Completing these above requirements, the member will be considered an active member.
  5. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, or disability.
  1. This organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person.

Article IV. Officers 

  1. Designated Officers

Executive Council

The officers of the governing board of the Biological Society shall include: President, Vice-President, Business Coordinator, Records Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Outreach & Service Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Public Relations Coordinator, Webmaster, SGA & CAB Representative

  1. Eligibility, Terms of Service and Duties

All officers must continue to meet all membership requirements, including attendance, community service, and dues. Officers will be required to attend all council meetings and general meetings with only three allowed absences per semester. Exceptions for absences may be granted for legitimate school, work, or unexpected personal health conflicts if forward notice was given and approved by the President.

*Higher dues may be levied against the officers if the President, Advisor, or Majority of the Executive Council deems it necessary.

*Executive Council listed in order of succession.

The President shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year.
  3. Have been a member for at least one year.
  4. Preside at all meetings of the society.
  5. Coordinate the activities and efforts of the other officers in pursuit of the purposes of the society. Executive Coordinator of Society Operations.
  6. Appoint any necessary committees or special coordinators and fill any vacancies on the executive council in the case no person runs for election to the position or the position is vacated during the term.
  7. Represent society at all necessary University meetings and functions.
  8. Maintain and keep a copy of the most recent ratification of the constitution.
  9. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the President.
  10. Work with advisor and incoming president to ensure society is renewed as RSO for the next academic year.
  11. Not serve more than two full-terms
  12. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher

The Vice-President shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year
  3. Have been a member for at least the previous year.
  4. Not serve more than two full-terms.
  5. Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence, disability or ineligibility to complete their term.
  6. Serve as external relations coordinator.
  7. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the Vice-President.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Business Coordinator shall:

  1. Be of at least Sophomore status during the year of service.
  2. If possible, the candidate running must have been on the leadership board for one year and/or have previous financial management experience.
  3. Present a budget no later than the second council meeting of each academic year, to be approved by the council and Faculty Advisor.
  4. Control the operating expenses of the Society and advise the President in any case where expenses are exceeding the approved budget.
  5. Provide and organize all fund request and other documents related to business and finance of the society.
  6. Complete and present an accurate ledger of all expenditures
  7. Have the authority to co-sign checks unless the check is written to the Business Coordinator. The faculty advisor must countersign all checks.
  8. Advise Executive council on the financial standings of the society.
  9. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Records Coordinator shall:

  1. Keep a detailed record of all council meetings in order to provide the society with a record of council members present, issues discussed, etc.
  2. Keep a general record of the yearly activities and speakers at general society meetings.
  3. Keep a general record of all members of the organization including attendance at meetings, membership profiles and contact information.
  4. Keep and compile all important Society documents including the original version and all ratifications of the constitution.
  5. Inform the general members of the organization of all approved and adopted amendments to the constitution, which directly affect them.
  6. Provide printed or electronic sign in sheets for every general body meeting
  7. Provide detailed minutes/notes from every council meeting no later than 5 days after date of meeting. A shared electronic document may be used.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Activities Coordinator shall:

  1. Be responsible for coordinating and planning all activities. Including reserving space, hiring vendors, and submitting them to the University events system with purview of Advisor and President.
  2. In this role the activities Coordinator may have oversight of events that fall under fundraising, service, and/or outreach.
  3. Compile accurate calendar of all society events and activities.
  4. Arrange for and/or coordinate guest speakers for General body meetings.
  5. Work with leadership boards to coordinate speakers and guests for society seminar series.
  1. Provide special refreshments for speakers at society meetings
  2. Be responsible for coordinating and publicizing at least two (2)biology-centric, on-campus outreach activities per semester (e.g., Earth Day, Arbor Day, National Estuaries Day, World Ocean Day)
  3. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Outreach & Service Coordinator shall:

  1. Maintain information concerning volunteer opportunities for all members.
  2. Maintain records on the community service completed by all members of the society.
  3. Provide no less than twelve (12) possible hours of societal volunteer activities each semester.
  4. Turn in all service projects to activities Coordinator/webmaster at least 10 days in advance of project date.
  5. Work with JSU Alice Varnado Harden Center for Service and Community Engaged Learning to ensure that members receive community service learning credit for volunteer and service efforts.
  6. Be responsible for coordinating at least one (1) biology-centric, off-campus outreach activity per semester (e.g., speaking at local K-12 schools)
  7. Work with fundraising Coordinator to plan at least one charitable donation or drive per academic year.
  8. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Fundraising Coordinator shall:

  1. Oversee all fund-raising activities for the society. All fund-raising activities shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and policies of the Office of Student Affairs.
  1. Make agendas for all society fundraisers to assure that they run smoothly
  1. Take in to account possible fundraising activities brought to them by general body, and recommend them to Executive Council if they deem them plausible or beneficial.
  2. Set a biannual fundraising goal for each semester
  3. Hold at least 1 fundraiser per month
  4. Complete at least one fundraiser that will go towards a charitable donation per academic year.
  5. Coordinate all fundraising activities presented by student affairs (eg. C.A.B. Funds Request)
  6. Submit all fundraisers at least 7 days prior to date of to the activities Coordinator/webmaster
  7. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Public Relations Coordinator shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining the society’s email account, and social media accounts (including but not limited to messaging apps such as Remind 101 or Group Me).
  2. Be responsible for sharing necessary information of all council decisions with members.
  3. Post every single society function on social media platforms
  4. Maintain the society’s bulletin board by posting new council member pictures, volunteer opportunities, meeting schedules and other announcements.
  5. Create and post fliers for all events no less than 5 days in advance and remove all fliers within 36 hours following event.
  6. Submit all fliers for approval to center for student engagement and leadership
  7. Record/photograph all events and submit them to webmaster.
  8. Be responsible for publicizing and promoting the society at Preview Days, social functions, and speaking to Freshman classes.
  9. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The Web Master shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining and updating the society’s website, including regularly receiving events and updating the calendar.
  2. Be responsible for writing articles and designing graphics to be posted on the website.
  3. Keep and regularly update the REU and Internship page on the website.
  4. Archive all information given to them from the society’s coordinators to the website.
  5. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The SGA Representative shall

  1. Serve as society’s Student Government Representative.
  2. Attend all SGA General Body meetings
  3. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

The CAB Representative shall

  1. Serve as society’s Campus Activities Board Representative
  2. Attend all C.A.B general assembly meetings.
  3. Along with fundraising Coordinator secure society’s activities funds from Campus Activity Board.
  4. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  1. Elections
  1. The officers shall be elected at the second to last regular meeting of the spring semester.
  2. Any member wishing to run for an office shall attend the council meeting immediately prior to the scheduled election meeting to submit any material to be posted regarding the candidate. No new candidates will be accepted after this board meeting.
  3. Each candidate may run for one office only, if a particular race is lost they may not run for a “second choice” office. The office of President and Vice-President are exempt from this rule.
  4. Balloting will be done as a secret ballot or on an electronic forum controlled by the faculty advisor.
  1. All candidates must be given the opportunity to give a speech of no greater than two minutes to the council prior to voting.
  2. Candidates which receive a majority vote of the members will assume their role immediately after the end of the Spring semester.
  3. Unsuccessful candidates for president may run for vice-president.
  4. Unsuccessful candidates for vice-president may run for another position in the general election provided they are standing board members.
  1. The first President (Spring 2018-Spring 2019) should be a standing member of the Society’s Constitution Committee.
  1. Removal of Officers
  2. Officers can be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the council members present at a meeting where a motion for removal of an officer is made.
  3. Grounds for automatic impeachment

-missing more than one(1) Council meeting without prior approval of president/Advisor

-failure to participate in at least one of each of the following per semester: Activity, outreach, service, and fundraising events.

  1. The president may not be removed from office without support of primary advisor.


  1. Council Meetings
  1. A board meeting of all the officers will be held one week prior to a scheduled meeting.
  2. The faculty advisor will be advised of all council meetings.
  3. An issue that is voted upon at a board meeting that results in a tie will be presented to the membership at the next general meeting for a vote.

Article V. Meetings 

  1. Time and Place

At least four (4) general meetings shall be held during each semester; the place and hour shall be determined by the officers and announced at least one week in advanced.

Article VII. Advisor 

  1. The advisor of the Society must be a faculty or staff member of the Jackson State University Biology Department. The advisor must countersign all checks unless regulations implemented by the university states the advisor may not do so. The advisor shall oversee the governing board and be advised of all board meetings.
  2. The Chair of the University’s Biology Department may serve as a secondary advisor in a de facto or ex-officio role.

Article VIII. Amendments

  1. Motions to amend the constitution may only be held at council meetings in which at least two-thirds of the board members are in attendance and available to vote.
  2. If possible, all amendments must be submitted in writing to the president before the start of the meeting.
  3. All amendments, additions and/or deletions which obtain a two-thirds approval vote of the board members shall be adopted and immediately take effect.
  4. All approved amendments that directly affect the general body of the society must be introduced and explained in the following meeting. In addition, the social media coordinator or secretary must email all current members to inform them of the change.
  5. All amendments must be in consonance with Jackson State University policies.

Article IX. Updating the Constitution

  1. This constitution is valid for JSUBS until the end of the Spring semester of 2020 unless amended and ratified prior to then.
  2. The constitution must be updated, signed, and ratified at the end of every academic school year by the standing council.

Constitution Committee

Brent Thoma- Faculty Advisor, Chair ex-officio

Rodney Williams- Chairman

Harrison Watson

Jada Grant

Brenden Ireland

Benjamin Knott

Signatures & Titles of the 2018-2019 Officers
